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ENC2135 Class Reflection

Last semester, I took ENC1101 and I had a professor who was really nice but who also didn't care. While it can be nice to have a class that is an easy A no matter what you do, it was also frustrating because I felt like I didn't learn anything. So when I picked my classes for spring semester, I made sure to chose a different professor, even though I had the option to take the same professor. I figured that while at college, I should actually be learning, right?! I feel like my high school English classes didn't teach me anything except how to read mediocre books so I wanted to actually get something out of my last English class ever. I decided that even if it meant extra work, I should try to pick a class where I might learn something.

When I began writing my first paper in this class though, I slightly regretted my choice to not pick the easy professor. I remembered how much I hate writing. Writing has always been hard for me. I feel like I always have ideas in my head, but when it comes to actually getting them out into words on paper, the connection is lost. I think part of my struggle with writing comes from the fact that I don't feel like I have been properly taught how to write. I'll take most the blame for this though because I chose not to take AP English classes in high school. Anyways, I've always felt like I am just terrible at writing.

Even though I often struggled during this class, I do feel like I came out a better writer. Not an amazing writer, but a better one than I was five months ago. Through working on the projects in this class, I learned a lot about technique and how to write towards an audience. One part about this class that I enjoyed was getting to write about topics I actually cared about. I got to explore things that interest me and that was really cool. This class wasn't easy but in the end, I know I got something out of it and I'm thankful for what I learned.

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